When I uses aliyun.com as a s3 provider, it restrict the access style should be bucketname.endpoint.com (virtual-host), but not path style. So, maybe for this reason I got an error here, Pls help me check~
We would be willing to spend some time on this issue. We've created test Alibaba cloud account and testing Frankfurt region.
Surprisingly it does seem to support path styled requests, despite the documentation saying that only virtual hosted-style is supported: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/en/oss/developer-reference/overview-24
I can only assume that this varies by region.
We've applied for a bucket in Beijing region, but that needs approval, hopefully we get the credentials to connect, so we can implemented Virtual-host style.
Overview,Object Storage Service:If your business requires a high level of customization, you can directly call RESTful APIs. To directly call an API, you must include the signature calculation in your code. Object Storage Service (O...
Hi @Hikari,
By any chance do you have any test credentials that you would be willing to share with us? (If yes, please DM me)
We would be happy to dedicate some time to this issue. Thanks!